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1978 Time Series Study

Post-election Wave

View the 1978 Post-election Respondent Booklet 
View the 1978 Post-election Questionnaire 


Administration of the 1978 Post-election Respondent Booklet:

Question Card/Page Variables Description
A6, A7 Page 1 V780080, V780085 5-point scale (Very good/Very poor) on rating President Carter, Congress
A16a-A16h, A16j, A16k, A16m, A16n, A16p-A16v, A16y, A16z, A16aa; A16w, A16x Page 2 V780136-V780159 Feeling Thermometer for 22 individuals; Feeling Thermometer for 2 parties
A23, A23a(a)-A23a(h); A26, A26a(a)-A26a(h); A28, A28a(a)-A28a(h); A30, A30a(a)-A30a(h)/ A44, A44a(a)-A44a(h); A45, A45a(a)-A45a(h); A47, A47a(a)-A47a(h); A48, A48a(a)-A48a(h); A49, A49a(a)-A49a(h) Page 3 V780186-V780194, V780197-V780205, V780207-V780215, V780217-V780225, V780257-V780274, V780277-V780303 R’s contact with House incumbent, challenger, retiree, Dem/Rep candidates/R’s contact with Senate incumbent, challenger, retiree, Dem/Rep candidates (8 options)
A36 Page 4 V780240 5-point scale (Agree/Disagree) on House Incumbent’s voting record
A41(1)-A41(5), A41(8) Page 5 V780248-V780253 Importance of 5 listed activities of House of Reps
A50(1)-A50(5), A50(8) Page 6 V780304-V780309 Importance of 5 listed activities of Senate
B9a-B9g, B9j(a)-B9j(g) Page 7 V780323-V780337 Employment problems: R/R’s family
C12a-C12h Page 8 V780357-V780364 7-point scale (Gov’t see to job and good SOL/each person get ahead on own) on job and good standard of living – placement for self, 5 individuals, 2 parties
C13a-C13h Page 9 V780365-V780372 7-point scale (protect rights of accused/stop crime regardless) on rights of accused – placement for self, 5 individuals, 2 parties
C14a-C14h Page 10 V780373-V780380 7-point scale (Gov’t should help minority groups/minority groups should help themselves) on Gov’t help for minorities – placement for self, 5 individuals, 2 parties
C15a-C15h Page 11 V780381-V780388 7-point scale (gov’t insurance plan/private insurance plan) on health insurance – placement for self, 5 individuals, 2 parties
C16a-C16h, C16j, C16k Page 12 V780389-V780398 7-point scale (Equal role for women/Women’s place in the home) on women’s rights – placement for self, 5 individuals, 2 parties, 2 groups
C17a-C17h, C17j, C17k, C17m Page 13 V780399-V780409 7-point scale (Liberal/Conservative) – placement for self, 8 individuals, 2 parties
F4 Page 14 V780450 Opinions on abortion (4 options)
F5 Page 15 V780451 7-point scale (Give preferential treatement/Ability and experience only considerations) on preferential treatement for women and minorities in jobs or admissions – placement of self
S29, S29a; S30 Page 16 V780598, V780599 Estimated income for 1977 (22 categories) (total for family, R; total for just R)
S41 Page 17 V780623 Community where R was brought up (8 options)