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Contact Assistance

ANES develops and conducts surveys, and makes available the case-level data from our surveys for analysis by researchers. We are also dedicated to serving users of ANES data as much as possible.

We receive many communications that include questions or requests. However, ANES is limited to answering questions about our own products and activities. Thus, we are unable to provide every service or every type of data which may be desired. Here are some examples of common requests which ANES is regretfully unable to fulfill.


  • ANES is unable to provide expert opinion on elections, politics, government, current events, or any other topics.

  • ANES is unable to provide data for representative estimates at state or local level. Our samples are typically national samples, not drawn to represent specific states, counties, cities, congressional districts, etc.

  • ANES is unable to provide actual population data, that is, we do not have actual number counts/percentages taken from the full population of the U.S. (or from the full population of any state or locale). As examples, we do not have an actual count of the number of registered voters in the U.S. (or number of registered Democrats or Republicans), and we are not a source for election returns.
    Note: ANES survey data can provide some national estimates (such as for U.S. voter turnout), but estimates represent self-report by survey respondents rather than actual population counts. Survey respondents are included in a relatively small sample selected to be as representative as possible of U.S. eligible voters.

  • ANES is unable to provide institutional data about government, political parties, administration of elections, etc.

  • ANES is unable to provide data for representative estimates of highly select demographic or social groups, such as Lithuanian-Americans, smokers, plumbers, Presbyterians, etc. Our samples are too small to allow for selection representative of every group.

  • ANES is unable to provide advice for, or contribution to, the conduct of individual research.

  • ANES is unable to provide information about other surveys or organizations.