Version 01 Codebook ------------------- CODEBOOK INTRODUCTION FILE 1960 MINOR ELECTION STUDY (1960.S) USER NOTE: This file has been converted to electronic format via OCR scanning. As as result, the user is advised that some errors in character recognition may have resulted within the text. AMERICAN NATIONAL ELECTION STUDIES THE 1960 MINOR ELECTION STUDY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR POLITICAL BEHAVIOR PROGRAM SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ICPSR ARCHIVE STUDY NUMBER 7222 CONTENTS Note: >>sections in the codebook introduction and codebook appendix can be navigated in the machine-readable files by searching ">>". INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL (file int60min.cbk --------------------- >> CODEBOOK INFORMATION >> 1960 MINOR STUDY VARIABLE DESCRIPTION LIST CODEBOOK -------- 1960 variables APPENDICES (file app60min.cbk) ---------- >> 1960 MINOR REGION CODE >> 1960 MINOR AGE OF RESPONDENT NOTE >> 1960 MINOR REGIONAL NOTE >> 1960 MINOR REGIONAL AND NATIONAL FRAME OF REFERENCE NOTE >> 1960 MINOR NOTE ABOUT INTERVIEWER >> 1960 MINOR LEVEL OF EDUCATION NOTE >> CODEBOOK INFORMATION The following example from the 1948 NES study provides the standard format for codebook variable documentation. Note that NES studies which are not part of the Time-Series usually omit marginals and the descriptive content in lines 2-5 (except for variable name). Line 1 ============================== 2 VAR 480026 NAME-R NOT VT-WAS R REG TO VT 3 COLUMNS 61 - 61 4 NUMERIC 5 MD=0 OR GE 8 6 7 Q. 17. (IF R DID NOT VOTE) WERE YOU REGISTERED (ELIGIBLE) 8 TO VOTE. 9 ........................................................... 10 11 82 1. YES 12 149 2. NO 13 14 0 8. DK 15 9 9. NA 16 422 0. INAP., R VOTED Line 2 - VARIABLE NAME. Note that in the codebook the variable name (usually a 'number') does not include the "V" prefix which is used in the release SAS and SPSS data definition files (.sas and .sps files) for all variables including those which do not have 'number' names. For example the variable "VERSION" in the codebook is "VVERSION" in the data definition files. Line 2 - "NAME". This is the variable label used in the SAS and SPSS data definition files (.sas and .sps files). Some codebooks exclude this. Line 3 - COLUMNS. Columns in the ASCII data file (.dat file). Line 4 - CHARACTER OR NUMERIC. If numeric and the variable is a decimal rather than integer variable, the numer of decimal places is also indicated (e.g. "NUMERIC DEC 4") Line 5 - Values which are assigned to missing by default in the Study's SAS and and SPSS data definition files (.sas and .sps files). Line 7 - Actual question text for survey variables or a description of non-survey variables (for example, congressional district). Survey items usually include the question number (for example "B1a.") from the Study questionnaire; beginning in 1996 non-survey items also have unique item numbers (for example "CSheet.1"). Line 9 - A dashed or dotted line usually separates question text from any other documentation which follows. Line 10- When present, annotation provided by Study staff is presented below the question text/description and preceding code values. Lines 11-16 Code values are listed with descriptive labels. Valid codes (those not having 'missing' status in line 5) are presented first, followed by the values described in line 5. For continuous variables, one line may appear providing the range of possible values. A blank line usually separates the 'valid' and 'missing' values. Lines 11-16 Marginals are usually provided for discrete variables. The counts may be unweighted or weighted; check the Study codebook introductory text to determine weight usage. >> 1960 MINOR STUDY VARIABLE DESCRIPTION LIST VARIABLE VARIABLE NAME NUMBER VVERSION NES VERSION NUMBER VDSETNO NES DATASET NUMBER MN0001 ICPSR ARCHIVE NUMBER MN0002 INTERVIEW NUMBER MN0003 PRIMARY SAMPLING UNIT* MN0004 SIZE OF PLACE MN0005 ELLT CODE MN0006 DATE OF INTERVIEW MN0007 WHO IS RESPONDENT MN0008 NUMBER OF ADULTS IN FAMILY MN0009 AGE OF RESPONDENT MN0010 AGE OF HEAD MN0011 RESPONDENT BETTER FINANCIALLY THAN LAST YEAR MN0012 HAKE MORE HONEY THAN LAST YEAR MN0013 PEOPLE WORRY ABOUT NEXT YEAR MN0014 PEOPLE BETTER FINANCIALLY NEXT YEAR MN0015 IN FEW YEARS RESPONDENT HAVE BETTER INCOME MN0016 RESPONDENT OWN HOME OR RENT MN0017 LENGTH OF RESIDENCY (HOME) MN0018 PAST YEAR PRICES ROSE OR FELL MN0019 NEXT YEAR PRICES RISE OR FALL MN0020 X PRICE CHANGE BE GOOD OR BAD MN0021 ELECTION OUTCOME EFFECT PRICES MN0022 WHICH PARTY HAVE PRICE INCREASE MN0023 BUSINESS CONDITIONS GOOD NEXT YEAR MN0024 PRESENT BUSINESS CONDITION BETTER OR WORSE MN0025 HEARD ABOUT PRICE OF STOCK MN0026 BUSINESS CONDITIONS BETTER NEXT YEAR MN0027 WOUND RELATIONSHIP EFFECT BUSINESS CONDITIONS MN0028 NEXT FIVE YEARS HAVE GOOD TIMES MN0029 MUCH UNEMPLOYMENT IN THIS COMMUNITY MN0030 PAST MONTHS UNEMPLOYMENT INCREASE MN0031 NEXT YEAR WILL UNEMPLOYMENT INCREASE MN0032 WHO ELECTED PRESIDENT NEXT YEAR MN0033 HOW PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION EFFECT BUSINESS MN0034 HOW PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CHANGE TAXES MN0035 MILITARY EXPENDITURES INCREASE MN0036 IF DISARMAMENT USE MONEY SAVED MN0037 X RANK-INCREASE FOREIGN AID MN0038 X BANK-REDUCE GOVERNMENT DEBT MN0039 X RANK-REDUCE INCOME TAXES MN0040 X RANK-BUILD SCHOOLS, HIGHWAYS MN0041 X RANK-PUBLIC WELFARE PROGRAMS MN0042 IF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS EXTRA, HON SPEND MN0043 HEAD'S OCCUPATION MN0044 DOES HEAD WORK FOR SELF MN0045 HEAD UNEMPLOYED SINCE JANUARY MN0046 X HOW MANY WEEKS HEAD UNEMPLOYED IN 1960 MN0047 PARTY IDENTIFICATION * MN0048 RESPONDENT EXPECT TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER MN0049 RESPONDENT VOTE FOR PRESIDENT AND FOR WHOM MN0050 POST-ELECTION RESPONDENT VOTE FOR PRESIDENT MN0051 CHURCH PREFERENCE * MN0052 RESPONDENT GO TO CHURCH REGULARLY MN0053 MARITAL STATUS OF HEAD MN0054 SEX OF RESPONDENT MN0055 LIFE CYCLE MN0056 EDUCATION OF HEAD MN0057 INCOME OF FAMILY IN 1960 MN0058 RACE OF RESPONDENT